How to Create a Digital Clock using JavaScript


digital clock javascript

Hello Friends, Today, we will learn how to create a simple-looking digital clock using HTML CSS and Javascript. in this javascript clock snippet, we have used javascript built-in date object. Later we have made a javascript timer function, and we used basic CSS to modify the overall look of the snippet so that it looks like a digital clock with hours, minutes, and seconds. You can use this clock for the purposes like limited time offers, portfolios, quiz timer, or any other general purposes. I have used simple CSS to style the watch, but you can customize it with a different font family, size, or size to make it look even more attractive.

I have created a div element with a unique id called 'box' in the HTML part. The time of the digital clock is rendered in this div. I have given the div element a class name with the same name as id and later specify an inline function animate() for the onload attribute. I have left the div element blank because the animate() function will automatically insert the div's digital time.

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I have aligned the box div element in the middle of the page by giving absolute position value and CSS transform translate value in the CSS part. I have used Poppins as the base font for this project, but you can use any fonts of your choice. I also have a random background image, but you can use a background color instead. To make the clock work, I used the if condition to set the 12 hours time format. This condition includes AM/PM sessions as well. If you want your clock to be 24 hours format, then remove the condition used here. Without further explanation, I am providing the code below so that you can have it. I have created lots of HTML, CSS, and javascript based snippets before. Please make sure to check those snippets as well.

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