Navigation Bar with Slider using HTML CSS & Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap Navigation Bar with Slider

Bootstrap is a framework that is free to use for web development purposes. This free front-end framework contains ready-made design components like buttons, forms, typography, etc. It has some JavaScript-based plugins as well. This framework is fast and very easy to use for web design. It saves tons of time for coding and helps developers to finish their projects in no time.

In this post, we will create snippets about creating an awesome-looking Homepage with the help of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. We will be making a Bootstrap navigation bar with a slider or a Bootstrap slider with a navigation bar. We will use Bootstrap 4's ready-made snippet template like the navigation bar and slider and custom CSS to modify its looks according to our needs.

Firstly, we have to link the Bootstrap 4 CSS and JS files to our project. Adding those will help us to use the available snippets in Bootstrap four directly to our project. We also have to add the latest jQuery in our project; otherwise, the slider snippet available in Bootstrap four will not work. We will use custom CSS to modify the snippets, and for that, we have to add that external style sheet to our project. There are lots of bootstrap slider examples out there. We will learn how to create a bootstrap slider homepage with a navigation bar in it. You can copy the required files from below and add them to your project.

We will create the navbar first, and for that, we have to go to the documentation page of Bootstrap four and search for the navbar in the search box. When the page appears on the screen, we have to scroll down a bit to find the navbar's code. After you find the code, you have to copy the code and paste it into your project. After saving, if we run it in our browser, we will see that the navbar occupies the browser's whole viewport width, and we don't want that. Now we want to give the navbar a custom margin on both sides and align it to the middle. We can use a bootstrap container class to make the navigation bar's position the way we want.

After successfully implementing the bootstrap navbar in our project, we have to edit the navbar as we want. For that, we will move the nav item to the right of the navbar. We don't need a dropdown and search box for this project, so we will omit the codes from the navbar and insert a custom bootstrap 4 class ml-auto in the unordered list inside the div named navbar-collapse. This class will take the nav item to the right. Now we will customize the nav items according to what we want. For this snippet, I have used five nav items, but you can use six or seven. We also need to add a fixed-top bootstrap class to the navbar to stick on top even after scrolling the website.

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For the slider part, we will search for a carousel in the bootstrap four sites and try to find the one with a caption. We have to copy the bootstrap slider code and paste it underneath the navbar in your IDE. Now bootstrap default slider will have some images on their own. We will change the image source according to our needs. Apart from that, we need to change the text inside the carousel-caption class according to our needs.

For the CSS Part, We will give the carousel-item class 100vh and a height of 300px so that the carousel remains 100% of the website's viewport width. For mobile devices, the carousel height will be at least 300px. Initially, the captions of this slider will remain at the bottom of the carousel. We will adjust it by giving it a bottom value of 270px. After that, we styled the header and the sub-header text of the carousel caption. Now, most of the websites have a call-to-action button in their slider, so you can add a call-to-action button if you want.

I used plain text as a logo in the navbar section, but you can use the PNG logo. As the images used here are dark, so white color will be the best suit here. So I gave a white color to the logo text and the nav items. I made the logo text a bit bigger by giving it font weight and size to stand out. If we hover over the navbar's navbar links, we will observe that the color of the nav links turns to a blackish color, so we will change the color to white for the active and focus stage of the nav link.

For the creation of this snippet, we have to create two files. The First one is the HTML File, and the second one is the CSS file. You need to copy the HTML And CSS code given below paste them to the appropriate files and save them. You can also download the complete code from the download button below.



That is how to create a navigation bar with a slider tutorial. I hope you have successfully implemented the code in your project. We have lots of other snippets about CSS animation, Full Responsive Website Design, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and so on. Click the Load More button on our website homepage and get those. If you have any questions regarding this snippet, you can comment in the comment section, and I will try to answer as soon as I can.


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